Well summer is in full swing here in Seal Beach. The weather is acting weird but today is a perfect beach day which made me think of how much people will be visiting.
I have lived and worked in places that are prime destinations for summer, winter, and holiday vacations (ie. Aspen, Disneyland Resort, Seal Beach, Newport Beach). Often I forget that I live or work in destinations that many people would die to live in. However, I soon remember that I'm in a destination area when I see more people come out during peak summer/holiday times. For example, my place of residence right now, Seal Beach, gets a little crowded during the summer.
I'm OK with tourists coming to this little seaside community. It is after all, what a lot of cities want. We want local businesses to thrive, go to our attractions, and for you to enjoy a place that is different from the normal. The problem though, I do have with some people is what they sometimes leave behind at the beach: TRASH!
Many people often forget that destinations they like to go to is not just a place to "get away." They are people's homes and place of work. Sure, there are some homes that are used only for vacation, but mostly people live and work here all year around. I get so mad when I see families and groups of people just leave so much trash and other things. The more that people do this, the more of my home they are destroying. And please, think about the tourists that want to come in after you have arrived. Would you like to go to a place to relax and have a good time, only to discover it was trashed by the people before you?
So people, please be respectful of the beach you are visiting. They are people's homes and you wouldn't leave trash if you were a guest in someones house.
For those that do clean up after yourselves, THANK YOU! I look up to you and what you are doing for the community. If you read this, please spread the word and re-post this if you strongly agree. I, and maybe some residents, would be very appreciative. I would love to hear some comments as well!