Saturday, March 24, 2012

The little ways I gain a little bit of money

As of right now I have just one job. The hours are pretty regular and consistent: 9 am -5:30 pm, Monday-Friday. I have thought about getting a good second job but I already work 40 hours a week plus a lot of time stuck in my car during traffic. I know I would get pretty exhausted, tired, and feel that I don't have much of a life. (Yes, a lot of people have two jobs, and I applaud them for that. But if I really needed to, I would get one.)

When I moved back home, I was trying to think of ways of how I can gain a little money on my own time. Here are a few things that help a little.

In California, many plastic bottles, glass bottles, and soda cans have a cash refund. Depending on the size and type of container, when consumers buy a drink in plastic, glass, or a can in California, they pay an extra 5 or 10 cents  deposit. When those bottles and cans are returned to a recycling facility, you get that money back.  I recycle as much as I can without having to dig through trash cans. 

Some items are recyclable but you do not get cash back, such as wine bottles and milk containers. To know that you will be get the cash back, look for the wording "CA CASH REFUND" or "CA CRV"

Check out these links: or  for more info on recycling in California and to find the nearest location near you! I still encourage you to recycle if even you don't get cash back.

Taking surveys:
I've always heard that people can make money while doing surveys. I was very hesitant because I wasn't sure what information was going to be taken from me and I was afraid of getting any viruses. But I did my research and and found I read good reviews and was just going to test it out. It was really easy to sign up and getting the surveys is easy. Depending on the survey, I get an X amount of points after finishing it. Once I gain enough points, I can claim cash, gifts cards, and other prizes.

About 9 months later, I am still using it and I legitimately gain some money. Trust me, it's not a lot, but it's some. I definitely don't take them every day and I only make about $10 a month. Very once in a while, the surveys can get a little tedious. But it works, and is a good cure for boredom.

Credit Card Rewards:
Some money-saving blogs will tell you to only use cash when buying items. That is good and it doesn't create temptation into buying extra things that are not on your list. However, with cash only, I don't gain rewards.

For a long time, I used my Chase Debit card for almost everything. I liked the idea of not waiting to pay a bill and having money automatically taken out. But I have a friend, Nick, who helped convince me I shouldn't use my debit card so much and use a credit card so I can gain rewards. At first I ignored his advise, but it wasn't until months later that I did some research and got myself a Chase credit card. The rewards were awesome and I am glad I did it. Thanks Nick! You can redeem rewards for cash, merchandise, travel and other things. I choose to get cash and put it directly in my savings.

Do keep in mind that I still save money, only pay for things that I need such as gas, food, etc., and I always make sure to pay off my credit card on time.

I do not buy something just because I know that I will get rewarded for it later. I buy something because I need it at the moment and I know I can afford it. Getting some money back is great, but saving money is the best reward.

Thanks for reading. I hope these tips help for you as much as they help me!

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