This video got me hooked! It gets me inspired! I subscribed to her on youtube and it might help organizing your home or office. Although some things she has are out of my budget or I just cannot do because I live in an apartment, it always creates ideas in my head. After watching another few of her videos tonight, I got an urge to do something I've been meaning to do for a little bit now: Organize LAUNDRY care items!
Although my family says I have a great memory, sometimes I forget things. And all the time, I'm usually forgetting something when I do my laundry here at the apartment complex. I have to go back up the stairs and grab the dryer sheets before I dry my items. It was easy to forget because our items were in different places. Our laundry card was in one drawer while the soap and dryer sheets were in another cabinet.
Rearranging the "clothes care" items literally took me less than 5 minutes to do it and it didn't cost me a thing! Now, I know some people would put labels or made it look neater, but I had an itch and did what I could at 8:30 pm. I wish I took a before picture, but I guess you'll have to settle for the after picture.
We don't have and we don't need a lot of products to keep our clothes neat and tidy. And I wanted to put all clothing care items in ONE location. So in our linen closet, where the iron was located, I removed a laptop case I have (and barely use) and some light bulbs to another location in the closet. I'm a little tired right now to do the whole closet so this one shelf will do for now.
As you can see in the picture: all my items I use to take stains outs, lint off, and wash my clothes are in one location. Not only was it items that we need (detergent, iron, dryer sheets), but items I had on hand left over from a "bridal emergency" kit I gave as a gift to my cousin to use on her wedding day. (Tide to-go pens, small lint brush) Another post on that later!
I took a tip from the Extreme Couponing show on TLC and lined my detergent together. We needed to get more detergent and there was a sale on our last grocery trip, so I stocked up. I usually always forget the dryer sheets so I put them in front and I don't use the iron much (because I hate doing it!) so I put that in the back. I put the lint rollers in the front too because it's easy to reach before we go to work.
I didn't want the smaller items to lay around and accidentally fall, so I found a clear glass we don't use and put them in it. Any small items can easily get lost and it's always a good idea to have a spot for it to be held. This glass is actually significant to both of us in different ways. Most notably it says Long Beach, CA, where we both grew up in the area. In the glass includes our apartment issued laundry card, Tide to-go pens (from the bridal emergency kit) and Downey wrinkle reducer (also from the bridal emergency kit that I had to quickly put in my purse before my cousin's wedding started. I ended up accidentally bringing it home with me).
Well, I hope this inspires you and I know this will help me in the future.
Have a great night!
Shay L. Hust
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