Saturday, August 3, 2013

3rd times a charm

So I pulled up my own blog with the intention of deleting it. I haven't had a post in just over a year and I thought it was time to give more space to the internet. But as I read my own title, something in me told me that maybe I should try and start again, after the 3rd TIME!

I love reading blogs, especially ones that will help me cut down my expenses and finding creative things to do. I feel like I do have some advice to share, and to share what my friends and family have taught me. Especially, I have grown since last year and moved out of my parents. We are all on this earth for a reason, and hopefully this will identify as to why I am here.

What I didn't have before was an actual plan. I had a creative idea, but I didn't have a goal and a plan. My days off are Sundays, Mondays, and Fridays. Mondays and Fridays seem like a good day to put up some posts. I'll start off like that, and we'll see where this takes us.

So, as I raise a glass to trying this again, please pray, and hopefully I'll keep up.

Thanks for reading,

Shay L. Hust

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